玻璃钢圆拍门的设计理念 |
添加时间:2023/9/28 16:25:34 浏览次数: |
一般情况下排涝泵站在工作的时候,水流的出口的位置是高于入口的位置的,所以就很容易出现倒流的现象,怎样解决呢?就可以依靠拍门和快速闸门。 Generally speaking, when the draining pump station is working, the outlet position of the water outlet is higher than the entry position, so it is easy to reverse the phenomenon. How to solve it? We can rely on the flap gate and the quick gate. 拍门和快速闸门相比较还是选择拍门,因为它的造价非常低,结构也非常简单,非常容易操作,不容易出现故障,就算是出现故障后也是很容易维修的。但是拍门也不是万能的,它也是有缺点的,由于它自身的重量和拍门的关闭的作用,很容易产生撞击力,也就是大家平常所说的反拍的现象,时间长了就会危害自身和建筑的安全。 Compared with the fast gate or the clap door, the flap door is chosen for making the door, because its cost is very low, the structure is also very simple, it is very easy to operate, and it is not easy to fail. Even after a breakdown, it is also easy to maintain. But the beat door is not omnipotent. It also has its shortcomings. Because of its weight and the closing function of the flap door, it is easy to produce impact force, which is what we usually call back beat phenomenon. For a long time, it will endanger the safety of itself and the building. 玻璃钢圆拍门的设计理念就是避免了传统拍门的种种的缺点,产品的设计更加合理,它能有效的克服种种缺点,是防止水流到倒粪池模具 路缘石模具 唐山通风管道 塑钢电缆挂钩 钢纤维 钢制拍门 植绒机 铜雕佛像灌的首选产品,能大大的提高水泵装置的效率。 The design concept of FRP racket door is to avoid all kinds of shortcomings of traditional flap door, and the design of products is more reasonable. It can overcome all kinds of shortcomings effectively, and is the first choice product to prevent water flow to backwash. It can greatly improve the efficiency of pump unit |
上一页 混流泵是利用叶轮旋转产生的离心力 |
下一页 铸铁拍门整个耙齿链便自上而下运动 |
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