




Installation and use of floats
1、 拍门安装可与法兰连接,可预埋,也可永插;
1, the door installation can be connected with the flange, can be buried, also can be permanently inserted;
2、 配重拍门使用时,如果正向水力不足,不能开启门页,可根据安装位置需要设置不等重量的配重装置;
2. When the valve is used, the door page can not be opened if the positive hydraulic power is insufficient, and the weight device with unequal weight can be set according to the installation position.
3、 浮箱拍门在使用过程中,可通过向门页密封腔体内注水或放水的方法改变门页的比重,以达到最佳开启效果。
3. During the use of the floating box door, the proportion of the door page can be changed by water injection or qhdjiankong.75ix.com tuozhanb.75ix.com hunqingb.75ix.com shimumenb.75ix.comfangshuit.75ix.com yinshua.75ix.comwater release to the door of the door, so as to achieve the best opening effect.
4、 多台拍门安装时,如因起吊条件限制聚氨酯软管 PVC软管 隔离墩模具 u型槽模具 护坡模具 pvc输送带 尼龙输送带 天津除甲醛 北京除甲醛 需分号安装,应注意标注标记,因每台拍门的门座和门页连接属偶配,不能互换。
4, when multiple door is installed, if we need to install semicolons due to lifting conditions, we should pay attention to marking, because each door and door page of each racket door should be linked together and cannot be exchanged.
5、 穿墙管安装轴线与水平方向的夹角a应大于或等于零度。
5. The angle a between the axis and the horizontal direction of the wall tube should be greater than or equal to zero.


  1. 衡水顺益水工机械厂
  2. 电话:18831865676
  3. 手机:13754586222
  4. 地址:河北省衡水市冀州区西王工业区

版权 © 衡水顺益水工机械厂 网址:http://paimen.89ix.com  推荐:铸铁拍门,钢制拍门,玻璃钢拍门,浮箱拍门
